Canadian Mindfulness Research Center

“When your mind is racing, step back onto the breath”

Step by Step Guide for 10 Minute Meditation

10 Minute Meditation

There is a great way to improve mental health that only takes 10 minutes a day: meditation. But many people are afraid to start. We’re all used to having our minds running and our phones constantly alerting us and taking our attention away. Because of this, the idea of having a few minutes to ourselves seems impossible. Still, you should set aside that time because meditation has been shown to be good for you.

How do you meditate?

Focusing and concentrating is all that meditation is. It is a way to practice mindfulness that helps us feel centered and in the present moment. Meditation takes our minds off of the noise and other things going on around them and puts them on something inside us. There are many ways to meditate, but two popular ones are to focus on your breath or a mantra, which is a word or phrase that you say over and over again. Meditation can also be used for different reasons, such as to become more mindful, improve attention, or ease worry. Meditation is linked to Eastern faiths, but it is not a religious practice. No matter what your views are, you can meditate.

Steps for 10-minute guided meditation

Make your meditation space

A consistent practice schedule can be created by returning to the same area. Burn a candle or incense and pile up comfy pillows to make your guided meditation environment warm. Find a clock for your location to use for meditation timing. Meditation is best done in a peaceful, uninterrupted environment. It’s okay if pets, kids, or other distractions disrupt your meditation! Remember to focus on the now. Setting a daily meditation time helps form a habit. Meditation is ideal at any time that fits your schedule. Many people meditate in the morning before their head is full of other things. Others utilize practice as a midday mindfulness break or to relax before bed. Try several times to find the best fit!

Find your meditation pose

A lengthy spine and a skyward head are ideal for seated meditation. Resting your hands on your legs lets your elbows drop behind your shoulders. Without neck stiffness, your shoulders should be relaxed. To aid this, softly tuck your chin toward your chest. You should also relax your hips when sitting cross-legged or on a chair with your hips and knees at 90 degrees. Sitting up on cushions may help relieve hip tension. No matter how comfortable you feel at the start of a guided meditation, you may end up achy or ready to move. That’s normal if you don’t feel sharp pain. If sitting on the ground is difficult, try lying down to meditate! The exercise can be calm and centering.

Breathe deeply

A breath-observing meditation is one of the easiest styles of meditation to start with. Since you’re sitting comfortably, you’ll breathe more deeply through your nose. Focus on the intermediate distance and gently stare out to the horizon. Slowly lose attention, let your eyelids feel heavy, and then blink closed.

Close your eyes and watch your breath. Observe your first meditation feeling. Changes are unnecessary. Try not to evaluate your breathing. Feel your breath. Is your breathing shallow or deep? Is your inhale longer than exhale? Draw five deep, calm breaths through the nose. Take your deepest, slowest breaths of the day. Next, take 5 deep, calm breaths, feeling your tummy rise and fall. Inhaling fills your lungs and expands your tummy. Exhale and feel your abdomen release breath. Feel your chest expand and empty with each inhale and exhale for 5 breaths. Breathe in between your collarbones, feeling your ribs expand and contract. For five breaths, feel the air entering and leaving your nostrils. Feel chilly inhaling and warmer exhaling.

Mind Clearing

Breathing-based meditation is a good place to start since it offers you a focus. We often bounce from anxiety to tension to a mental checklist of what else has to be done. This is inevitable when you meditate! That’s the whole point. By constantly bringing your thoughts back to your breathing, you’re developing a new mental route. Your brain learns to bring you back to the present. To observe and reject thoughts! This helps you concentrate on more than breathing.

As thoughts arise, acknowledge them and return to the breath. Even a 10-minute guided meditation may require repeated repetition. Try not to judge your ideas or distractions each time. This will spark additional ideas! Instead, breathe deeply and focus on the gradual inhalation. Feel the air leave your lungs.

Reducing expectations

How do you feel after your 10-minute guided meditation? You may feel calmer or more stressed. Today, your mind may have been preoccupied with work. Or maybe no one thing came to mind! Try not to judge your practice thereafter. This daily activity isn’t meant to help you live in the moment 24/7. Instead, it’s to repeatedly choose presence, whatever the present moment is.


Bring your newfound awareness into your day after meditation! Continue to notice your thoughts and feelings throughout the day as this mindfulness exercise helps you tune in. Reconnect with meditation as much as possible! Can you remain present when traveling to work, sitting at your computer in the morning, doing the dishes, or brushing your teeth? The 10-minute guided meditation is optional, but taking a moment to observe how you feel, where you are, what you’re doing, and breathe deeply can change your life.

Benefits of A 10-Minute Meditation Session

You need to change your idea of what meditation is if you think it means lying on the floor cross-legged for hours on end until you reach enlightenment! Meditation can help you right away, in just 10 minutes. Some of these perks are:

Better mental health

It has been shown that meditation is good for your mental health in many ways. Research has shown that meditation can help people who are depressed and anxious in general. Another study found that it helped people with PTSD by making their sleep better and lowering the number of unwanted thoughts that they had.

Better focus and ability to solve problems

It can be hard to concentrate at work or school. Taking a 10-minute break to meditate can help you reset and concentrate better. It has been shown that people who relax can concentrate and pay attention for longer periods of time.

Improved physical health

Meditation is good for your mental health, and it’s also good for your body. It was found in one study that meditation can help heart health by lowering blood pressure. In another study, it was shown to help people with long-term pain by lowering inflammation. Meditation also makes sleep better, which is good for your health in many ways.

10 minutes of daily meditation can benefit mental health by promoting mindfulness and reducing stress. Despite our hectic life and constant distractions, a quiet, comfortable location for daily meditation can help you concentrate and stay present. This simple technique (focused on your breath or a mantra) helps you observe and release distractions, leading to a more attentive and balanced life. This brief yet powerful routine can improve your well-being and help you stay grounded in daily life.

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